Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Signs of Cheating Husband

Odd Behavior At Home:

Your partner or spouse…
  • Appears distant, show a lack of interest or develop an unexplained aloofness.
  • Is frequently tired or lack interest in the relationship.
  • Wears cologne much more often than usual.
  • Arrives home and heads straight into the shower/bath.
  • Gets dressed up a little too well (to) for trips to the grocery or running some other kind of errand or menial task.
  • Begins to speak more and more harshly to you, or are more sarcastic. Sometimes this is just an attempt to justify their cheating…or to give them an excuse to storm out of the room/house.
  • Asks about your schedule more often than usual.
  • Develops an increased focus on losing weight or pays more attention to their appearance.
Romance Tip-offs That Something's Wrong:

A cheating husband…
  • Is no longer interested in sex, or he/she makes excuses for its infrequency.
  • Starts to request kinky or other erotic sexual activity (behavior) that you've never done before, including watching porn
  • Shows a "new talent" in the bedroom (that they might have learned from the individual with whom they've been cheating)
  • Appears reluctant to kiss you, or show affection toward you.
  • Criticizes you for showing him attention.
  • Continues giving poor excuses for why he is not in the mood to make love.
Work-related Signs That He May Be Cheating:

Your partner or spouse…
  • Work longer hours, more frequently…and keep you from viewing his paycheck/pay-stubs
  • Changes his established routine with no apparent reason
  • Begins discouraging you from calling him at work
  • Is often "unavailable" when you try to call him at work.
  • Returns calls long after you leave a message for him.
  • Prefers to attend work functions (or any events) alone and tries to discourage you from attending.
  • Takes more trips for business reasons and even refuses to let you drive him to the airport.
Telephone Mannerisms That Are Different:

Your partner or spouse…
  • Receives "mysterious" phone calls.
  • You get an increasing number of hang-ups or "wrong numbers" when you pick up the phone. Especially if the caller hangs up after hearing your voice and doesn't speak. Generally when a person dials a "wrong" number, they will at least ask, "Is Robert there?" before hanging up (though not always).
  • Phone bills that show unexplained toll or long distance charges.
  • Hurriedly picks up the phone to answer it before you do.
  • Leaves the room to talk on the phone.
  • Whispers while on the phone.
  • Suddenly need a cell phone (or pager) and discourages you from looking at or using the phone or pager.
  • Deletes numbers from "caller ID".
  • Behaves differently or ends the telephone calls abruptly when you enter the room. Or appears to hang up quickly.
Paper Trails of a Cheating Husband:
  • Credit card receipts for gifts you didn't receive.
  • An increase in ATM withdrawals. Especially those from out-of-town (receipts bear a time/date stamp).
  • Credit card receipts showing purchases from places unknown to you or that seem suspect
  • He gets a separate P.O. Box.
  • Unusual phone numbers appearing on the bill.
  • The duration and time of the calls appear excessive.
  • He is secretive about his cell phone bill.
  • He starts to pay it himself.
  • You notice business travel or other deductions for travel or other expenses that you were unaware of.
Automobile Related Signs That Something is Up:
  • The passenger's seat is adjusted differently than you had left it.
  • Finding suspicious items like phone numbers, receipts, lipstick, condoms or strange hairs in the vehicle.
  • Keeping a change of clothes in the trunk.
  • Unexplainable mileage or a lack of additional mileage. For example, if your husband states that he went out of town yet the odometer indicates that only a distance of 25 miles had been driven. Conversely, if he says that he's only been to the office that day, yet their odometer shows many more miles ad been driven, this too, may be a significant matter.
Internet Infidelity Warning Signs
  • He warily guards access to his computer.
  • He shuts down the computer as you walk into the room.
  • He adds password protection his computer.
  • Or he stays up to "work" on the computer long after you've gone to bed.
  • He has unusual sites showing in the "browser history", or erases them after each late-night session.
  • He deletes email message more frequently
Again, let me reiterate that these behaviors are only indicators of a cheating husband and are not absolutes.

Copyright 2007, Keith L. Walker, the founder and director of Discovery Services Private Investigations, in Springfield Massachusetts. He is a licensed private investigator with over 15 years of experience Contact him at 413-788-4988 or email him at:

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